Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Warehouse Appliance shares benefits of a propane refrigerator during a natural disaster

Warehouse Appliance is your source for gas refrigerators and propane freezers.
Everyone in this country is familiar with natural disasters, whether we have personally survived them or vicariously suffered with others through the stories, images, and footage of yet another tragedy in the news. While some areas of the country are more prone to predictable disasters like hurricanes or earthquakes, a disaster can strike anywhere and at any time. It is vitally important to know how to mitigate damage and loss beforehand. Warehouse Appliance can help by outlining the benefits of using a propane refrigerator.

Natural disasters like earthquakes, fires, and hurricanes generally result in a loss of electrical power in all of the affected communities. While the event itself may be very brief, the effects of it can last for weeks and even months. A propane refrigerator can help you and your family if a disaster strikes nearby.

Reliability - You may not know that propane refrigerators do not need electricity to operate. If a natural disaster takes out the electricity in your community, your propane refrigerator will still be running. You won't be worried about food spoilage, whether something is safe to eat or not, or any medications you depend on that may require refrigeration. Keeping food and life-saving medications safely stored at the right temperature can prevent potential health risks while you and your family wait for the electricity to be restored.

Availability - Unlike electricity, propane fuel is easily portable and can be purchased for emergency use. During hurricanes there is typically no shortage of propane, making propane-fueled appliances ideal.

Dependability - Since propane refrigerators have been used now for a number of years, in fact, decades, they are well known for their dependability. They are most often seen in recreational vehicles as well as cabins and off-grid locations. Part of their dependability is derived from having fewer moving parts. Fewer moving parts results in refrigerators that are quieter and less likely to be in need of repair.

For peace of mind knowing you are prepared for any emergency, and to learn more about LP gas refrigerators and their features, contact Warehouse Appliance today at 928-636-1955 or visit us at

Propane Freezers
Natural Gas Refrigerators
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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Warehouse Appliance talks about the advantages of propane appliances

Trust Warehouse Appliance for all your gas fridge, solar products, and off-grid appliance needs.
To understand the advantages of using liquid propane gas, it’s important to understand what propane is. Warehouse Appliance, experts in the absorption refrigeration field, would like to explain not only what liquid propane is, but also the benefits of using liquid propane as a fuel source for your household appliances.

Liquid propane is similar to natural gas, but is a different chemical compound. Liquid propane, or LP gas, is normally a gaseous material, but when stored under pressure it becomes a liquid. Because this liquid is easy to transport, propane use is very common in the camping world. Its ability to be transported easily and quickly also make liquid propane gas an excellent choice for your home needs. Here are some important features of liquid propane:
  • Liquid propane has a higher heating value, which means it provides more heat for cooking or heating your home, using less fuel.
  • Liquid propane is non-toxic, not harmful to soil or water, and will not harm the environment if released into the atmosphere.
  • LP gas does not contain sulphur, making it a cleaner energy source than oil.
  • LP gas burns more consistently, which makes it more dependable than other energy sources.
  • Liquid propane is more environmentally friendly, releasing less carbon dioxide than other heating sources, like coal and oil.

There are numerous advantages to having propane appliances, whether you're looking into outfitting your home or hunting cabin. If you have questions about installing propane appliances in your home, call the experts at Warehouse Appliance today at 928-636-1955. To learn more about the difference propane appliances can make for you, visit us at

EZ Freeze Propane Refrigerators
Propane Freezers
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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Warehouse Appliance talks about the importance of propane freezers for the hunting cabin

Warehouse Appliance can help you select the propane freezer or refrigerator that is just right for you.
Gas refrigerators and freezers are becoming more and more abundant among homeowners with off-grid properties and for weekend sportsmen in their hunting cabins. Whether you have a cabin on the prairie, the coast, or up in the mountains, you need dependable, reliable, and affordable refrigeration for your food.  It’s imperative to keep your food cold (safe) but solar panels and generators can cost thousands. Warehouse Appliance recommends a better alternative: the LP (propane) gas freezer.

Benefits of a propane freezer: 

Extra storage
With a propane freezer in your cabin, you can stock up on frozen foods from your wholesale grocer, freeze the wild game from your hunting conquest, and even keep extra bread from getting moldy or stale while it’s left sitting on the counter.

Quiet operation
The options and possibilities with propane are numerous, including how quietly a propane freezer operates. If you're living in the country or wilderness for peace and quiet, you're going to be happy to learn that propane freezers and refrigerators are entirely quiet except for the whisper of a small propane flame.

Not only are they quiet but they are affordable to run. On average a 12-cubic foot gsd refrigerator will consume approximately 1.5 pounds of propane per day. If you're using an even smaller unit, like one that is about 4 cubic foot, it will consume less than a pound of propane per day.

And no matter how remote you are or how you get there (by truck, ATV, boat or plane) transporting propane is much easier than its electrical equivalent.

The advantages are nearly endless, so if you're looking into outfitting your hunting cabin with a propane freezer, call the experts at Warehouse Appliance today at 928-636-1955. To learn more about the difference propane appliances can make for you, visit us at

EZ Freeze Propane Refrigerators
Propane Appliances for Off-Grid Living
Helpful Articles

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Warehouse Appliance discusses defrosting your propane refrigerator

Call the experts at Warehouse Appliance when you're ready to replace your electric refrigerator with a new generation propane refrigerator.
Do you regularly look into the freezer, chip away at frozen shelves of food trying to find something before frostbite sets in? Warehouse Appliance discusses defrosting your propane refrigerator.

All gas refrigerators are manual defrost, but why?

Those who have owned a newer electric freezer are aware of their auto defrost feature. The unit’s defrost cycle includes timers and heating elements, which put a large load on the electric supply. For this reason, manufacturers of propane gas refrigerators do not include this feature.

Frost buildup inside of a refrigerator compartment is inescapable and will gradually lower the efficiency of any refrigerator. Your gas fridge needs to be defrosted manually. Depending on a few factors, your application and time will help to determine when and how often the off-grid refrigerator will need to be defrosted.

How do I know when it’s time to defrost my gas refrigerator?

A non-electric refrigerator has aluminum cooling fins located on the back wall of the refrigerator compartment. Humidity collects on these fins and turns to ice. Regularly inspect these fins. When the frost builds up between these fins to the point where there is no air space between the fins it is time to defrost. The good news is, EZ Freeze has developed a defrosting method that takes all the work out of defrosting. It is as simple as turning a dial. The EZ-Defrost System is available on all models.
How does the EZ-Defrost System work?

Using the EZ-Defrost System is as close to automatic as it gets. In order to defrost, all you need to do is turn the temperature thermostat dial to a minimum setting in the evening and in the morning the fridge will be defrosted.

Warehouse Appliance is interested in helping you get the most efficient use of your propane refrigerator. If you have questions about defrosting your gas fridge, or if you’re thinking of replacing your electric refrigerator with a new generation propane refrigerator, call the experts at Warehouse Appliance at 928-636-1955. Visit us at for more information.

Gas Refrigerators
Liquid Propane Appliances
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