Did you know that:
- Almost any appliance that runs on electricity can run on propane and do it more reliably and economically? Propane is America's natural fuel source and we produce 90% of the propane we use right here at home.
- Over the last few decades, propane refrigerators have been designed and built with better fuel economy and low emissions in mind. Propane-fueled appliances require less maintenance, greater convenience and higher efficiency over electrically-operated appliances.
- There are no moving parts used to cool a gas refrigerator. This means that there are no parts to wear out. Electric and 12V refrigerators require freon and an electric compressor/pump. These moving parts can, and do, wear out. Inverters and generators also wear out and meet the same fate.
- Propane appliances offer a great return on investment. While they might initially be a little more expensive than their electric counterparts, you'll use much less energy and save money by using less fuel.
The bottom line is simple. Propane appliances have a come a long, long way in both product design and efficiency. If you've got questions about replacing your electric refrigerator with a new generation propane refrigerator, call the experts at Warehouse Appliance at 928-636-1955 or visit us at http://warehouseappliance.com for more information.